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Analysis of Power Electronic Systems 1

Enrollment is Closed

Course Objectives

To provide an in depth knowledge about the operation and analysis of


1. Electric Circuit Theory

2. Network Analysis


Overview of Power semiconductor devices, Analysis of Rectifier circuits, Operation and analysis of DC choppers, Operation and analysis of AC voltage controllers and Cycloconverters, Analysis and control strategies of single phase and three phase inverters, Multilevel inverters

Download Detailed Syllabus(pdf)

Course Outcomes

1. Acquire knowledge about the concepts and techniques used in power electronics circuits

2. Design and analyse various power converter circuits

Course Staff

Course Staff Image #1

Ms. Soumya Simon

Assistant Professor, Department of EEE

Text Books

1. K.R. Varmah, Chikku Abraham, Power Electronics, First edition, Elsevier, 2014.

2. Ned Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, Power Electronics, Third edition, John Wiley, 2003


1. Dniel W Hart, Power Electronics.

2. Muhammed H. Rashid, Power Electronics.

3. Joseph Vithayathil, Principles of Power Electronics.

Who should join

First Semester M.Tech Power Electronics and Power Systems Engineering Students- 2020 Admission year.