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Design of Steel Structures

Department of Civil Engineering
Enrollment is Closed

About This Course

Design of Steel Structures in a core course offered under the B.Tech Civil Engineering program. This is a comprehensive course about how to design steel and timber structures using Limit State method as per Indian Standards.

The basic objectives of the course are:

1. To introduce the limit state design of steel structural components subjected to bending, compression and tensile loads including the connections

2. To enable design of structural components using timber


Steel and steel structures – bolted and welded connections- tension members – compression members – beams – roof trusses – purlins – timber structures – columns- composite beams

Download Detailed Syllabus (pdf)


Fundamental knowledge in Structural Analysis is expected from the student to undertake this course effectively

Course Staff

Course Staff Image #1

Unni Kartha G

Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering

Course Outcomes

CE 401.1 Explain the properties of steel and different steel sections and identify the loads along with the combinations and define the design concepts

CE 401.2 Design tension member and its connections as per IS code

CE 401.3 Design compression members subjected to axial loads including bracings and column base

CE 401.4 Design flexural members and plate girders including stiffeners, to withstand uniformly distributed load

CE 401.5 Design truss members and timber structures as per IS code

Text Books

1. L S Jayagopal, D Tensing., Design of steel structures, S Chand & Company, 2015

2. S K Duggal., Limit State design of steel structures, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010

3. Subramanian N, Design of steel Structures, Oxford University Press, 2011


1. P. Dayaratnam., Design of Steel Structures ,Wheeler Publishing, 2003

2. Punmia B. C., Jain A. K. and Jain A. K., Design of Steel Structures, Laxmi Publications (P), Ltd, 2017

3. Raghupathi, Steel Structures, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006

4. Ramchandra S and Virendra Gehlot, Design of Steel Structures Vol. II, Standard Book House, 2007

5. V L Shah & Veena Gore, Limit State Design of steel Structures , Structures Publications, 2009

6. William T Segui., Steel Design , Cenage Learning, 6e, 2017

7. IS 800 – 2007, Code of practice for Structural steel design, BIS

Who should join

Seventh Semester B.Tech Civil Engineering Students - 2017 Admission year