![Course Staff Image #1](/assets/courseware/v1/028ce7fc61a0e5554a7814d6a0e0a256/asset-v1:FISAT+CEACE407+2020_T1+type@asset+block/Nb9aR48D3BWErTHXU7CQEeRW.jpg)
Nimisha Mathew
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Transportation Engineering II is a course offered under the KTU B.Tech Civil Engineering program. This is a comprehensive course which deals with Railway, Tunneling, Harbour and Dock.
The basic objectives of the course are:
1. To set a solid and firm foundation in Railway engineering, including the history development, modern trends, maintenance, geometric design and safety of railways
2. To introduce dock, harbour and tunneling
Railway Engineering, Tunneling, Harbour, Breakwater and Dock
CE308 Transportation Engg.-I
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
CE 407.1 Explain About Railways In India & Its Evolution, Modern Technologies, Railway Track C/S & Track Fittings
CE 407.2 Design Of Geometric Elements Of Railway Track
CE 407.3 Explain Railway Operation, Control, Causes Of Accidents & Significance Of Maintenance Of Track
CE 407.4 Explain Construction Of Tunnel & Select Suitable Tunneling Method According To Soil Property
CE 407.5 Explain The Main Features Of Harbours & Dock
1. Mundrey J. S, Railway Track Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009
2. Rangawala, S.C. , Railway Engineering, Charotor Publishing House
3. Rao G. V, Principles of Transportation and Highway Engineering, Tata McGrawHill, 1996
4. Srinivasan,R., Harbour, Dock & Tunnel Engineering, Charotor Publishing House, 28e, 2016
1. Bindra, S.P., A course in Docks and Harbour Engineering, Dhanpat Rai& Sons
2. Chandra, S. and Agarwal, M.M. ,Railway Engineering, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2008
3. Saxena, S. C and Arora, S. P, Railway Engineering, Dhanpat Rai& Sons, 7e, 2010
4. Subhash C. Saxena, Railway Engineering, Dhanpat Rai& Sons
Seventh Semester B.Tech Civil Engineering Students - 2017 Admission year