Staff Member #1
Meera Treesa Mathews
Module 1: Basic concepts in Computer Graphics – Types of Graphic Devices – Interactive Graphic inputs – Raster Scan and Random Scan Displays.
Module 2: Line Drawing Algorithm- DDA, Bresenham’s algorithm – Circle Generation Algorithms –Mid point circle algorithm, Bresenham’s algorithm- Scan Conversion-frame buffers – solid area scan conversion – polygon filling algorithms
Module 3: Two dimensional transformations. Homogeneous coordinate systems – matrix formulation and concatenation of transformations. Windowing concepts –Window to Viewport Transformation- Two dimensional clipping-Line clipping – Cohen Sutherland, Midpoint Subdivision algorithm
Module 4:Polygon clipping-Sutherland Hodgeman algorithm, Weiler- Atherton algorithm, Three dimensional object representation- Polygon surfaces, Quadric surfaces – Basic 3D transformations
Module 5: Projections – Parallel and perspective projections – vanishing points. Visible surface detection methods– Back face removal- Z-Buffer algorithm, A-buffer algorithm, Depth-sorting method, Scan line algorithm.
Module 6: Image processing – Introduction - Fundamental steps in image processing – digital image representations – relationship between pixels – gray level histogram –spatial convolution and correlation – edge detection – Robert, Prewitt, Sobel.
Add information about the skills and knowledge students need to take this course.
Meera Treesa Mathews
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