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Signals and Systems

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

About This Course

In this course, we will learn about signals and systems from a mathematical perspective. This course gives a concrete idea about represenatation of signals and system, and analysis signals and systems. This is course is foundation to several advanced topics such as Digital Signal Processing, Digital Image/Vido processing.


Basics of calculus and complex numbers.


Subject Code: EE307

Click here to view the syllabus

Course Staff

Course Staff Image #1

Parvathy R

Associate Professor, Dept. of EEE, FISAT

Course Staff Image #1

Muhamed Noufal C

Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE, FISAT


  1. Signals and Systems, Haykin S, Veen B. V., John Villey
  2. Signals and Systems, Allan V. Oppenheim, S. Wilsky, and S. H. Nawab, Tata McGraw Hill